O klanie
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Archiwum Wieści Klanowych

Tytuł: Drugi sezon ligi 1v1 d3cl
Autor: Draco-AZM-
Dnia 12.05.2013, 14:50
Właśnie ruszyły zapisy do drugiego sezonu ligi d3cl. Będzie trwała minimum do końca czerwca. Tak jak w poprzedniej zapisy trwają przez cały czas jej trwania. Charakteryzuje się lekko zmodyfikowanymi zasadami:

..::1v1 Rules::..


- In duels versus the “Monk” and “Wizard” is not allowed to use the skill “Wrath of the Berserker”.
- In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” the skill “War cry” is only allowed to use with “no rune”.

Demon Hunter

- The Demon Hunter is not allowed to play the “bunker – style”. This style is defined by laying “Turrets” and/or “Spike Traps” and not coming out from the range of these traps.
- In duels versus the “Monk” the skill “Impale” with rune “Chemical Burn” is not allowed.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Companion” is not allowed.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Preparation” with rune “Battle Scars” is not allowed.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Sentry” with rune “Aid Station” is not allowed.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” the passive skill “Brooding” is not allowed.


- In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Cyclone Strike” is not allowed.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Dashing Strike” is not allowed.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” the skill “Fists of Thunder" with rune “Thunderclap” is not allowed.

Witch Doctor

- In duels versus “Barbarian” is not allowed to use the skill “Firebats”.
- In duels versus the “Demon Hunter” and “Monk” can use only one of the skills “Firebats” and “Haunt”.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” can use only one of the skills “Corpse Spiders” with rune “Leaping Spiders”, “Firebats”, “Haunt” and “Spirit Barrage”
- In duels versus the “Wizard” is not allowed to use the skill “Horrify”.
- In duels versus the “Wizard” is not allowed to use the passive skill “Blood Ritual”.

Zapisy i szczegółowe informację znajdziecie TUTAJ. Zapraszam:)
komentarze (2)
Napisal: lukas-azm- 12.05.2013, 16:40
Widze wkoncu powstaly jakies zasady pvp ;] gratulacje

Napisal: ZelgO-AZM- 12.05.2013, 17:44
zasady to juz powstały dawno temu a to tylko ich nowa wersja ktoras tam z rzedu
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